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Apache ESME - Java Servlet Container Installation Guide

Java Servlet Container Installation Guide


You will first need to build a WAR file, and then deploy it to your chosen Servlet container or J2EE application server.


Due to space constraints on Google Code, the main ESME war file is missing a couple of JAR files, namely the lift-webkit and scala-library files. The first thing you need to do is to unpack the ESME WAR file (jar -xvf esme-yyyy-mm-dd.war), copy the lift and Scala library files to WEB-INF/lib and then create a new WAR file (jar -cvf esme.war).

If you are using a J2EE 1.5 server, then deploy the WAR file according to the vendor's instructions. For SAP NetWeaver? 7.1, this means using the Eclipse-based NetWeaver? Developer Studio in its Deployment perspective.

For Tomcat, follow the instructions here:

Once you have deployed the WAR file, you can access ESME by pointing your browser to http://[server}:port /esme

Installing behind a corporate firewall

Often you may wish to install ESME behind the firewall. In most cases, you won't have an internal OpenId? provider, which means that your users are going to use OpenIds? from external providers. Usually, you will have to go through an internal proxy.

If this is the case, then you must set the proxy server. If you are using Tomcat, then the you must add a property file to the "webapps\esme\WEB-INF\classes\props" directory. This file must be named after the user under which the process is running. On Tomcat 6.0 under windows, then this file would be "SYSTEM.props". Capitalization counts. This file must include the following lines:

http.proxyHost=[proxy - look in your browser]
http.proxyPort=[proxy port - look in your browser]